2019. 11. 4.
In a nutshell 간단히 말해서, 핵심만 말하자면
very briefly, giving only the main points. = In the fewest possible words = in short; briefly; in brief; to put it briefly; to cut a long story short 간단히 말해서, 핵심만 짚자면, 결론만 말하자면, 요약한다면, 축약해서 직역하면 '견과류 껍질 속'. 껍질 속에 단단한 견과류를 핵심(main point)에 비유한 표현입니다. Example : It's a long story but let me put this in a nutshell for you. 말하자면 긴데 널 위해서 핵심만 말해줄게. : In a nutshell, many fairy tales have happy endings. ..